Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Saturn creating havoc on the markets !!!

 Saturn entered Libra around 15th Nov, which was a major astrological event this year.As expected Saturn bought earth shattering changes in the market.The markets did not get much help from Jupiter as it is still retrograde.Jupiter goes margi from 26th December onwards. As we approach 26th things will definitely look up for the financial markets.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Astrological Investing practiced by Market stalwarts !!!

Once leading American financier J.P Morgan had commented " Millionaires don't use astrology but Billionaires do!!! ". It was common knowledge that J.P as he was popularly known, frequently used the services of a renowned astrologer Evangeline Adams for all his major business decisions.He used the advice to time his financing decisions in U.S Steel, Great Northern & Pacific Railroad.It is also a very public fact that the same astrologer warned J.P not to get on the Titanic !!!

Walt Disney also used astrological cycles to time his opening of his theme parks and movies and he made millions from them.

The greatest Astrological Investor of all times in my opinion was W.D Gann. Those who are using any standard Technical Analysis package must be familiar with Gann Angles/Lines/Fan . W.D Gann was a legendary trader/analyst from the 20th century who was also a mathematician, astronomer and also an astrologer.He analysis methods were arcane but he did use astrological lunar cycles and combined them with charting techniques.One of his important techniques, the Gann Cardinal Square was said to be inspired from the structure of Indian temples.He did spend some time in India to gain mystic knowledge.The bottom line is that the man made 50 million dollars trading with the principles he developed(though he lost a major portion of his fortune in the later years). It is said that Gann wrote his secret code in his encoded book "The Tunnel through the Air" which is very difficult to understand and demands a lot from the reader.Perhaps a detailed article on his techniques later.

On Wall Street and Fleet Street financial astrologers are known as 'business consultants'.It's an open secret that a significant number of hedge fund managers ,traders and HNI investors use financial astrology to their benefit.. Maybe like Technical Analysis , Financial Astrology someday will  become a mainstream predictive technique in the financial markets.

Western Astrology vs. Vedic Astrology

It is not the question of which system is superior.Both have distinctive features ...rather they can be treated like two different schools of thought and both deserve deep study and after all...all roads leads to Rome.
The first major difference between the two systems is that each use a different Zodiac system.The Vedic method uses the Sidereal Zodiac System and the Western method chooses the Tropical Zodiac System.

The earth’s equator shifts backward through the signs of the zodiac at the rate of about 51″ of longitude per year. This is called “precession of the equinoxes.” Because of this phenomenon, the theoretical Aries of the western zodiac drifts further and further from the Aries used by Vedic astrologers — at the rate of about 1 degree every 72 years.The tropical (Western), and the Vedic Aries were on the same zodiacal plane around 285 AD !!!. Because of the precession of the equinoxes, at present, there is approximately a 23 degree difference. Thus all of the planets in a Vedic horoscope, including the rising sign, will be about 23 zodiacal degrees earlier than they would be in a Western chart.

The Western system of prediction is based on Sun Signs whereas the Vedic system is based on the Moon Sigm i.e the position of the Moon in one's Natal Chart. For example a person who is born say on 9th November will be a Scorpio  Sun Sign as per Western Astrology but can be a completely different Moon sign as per Vedic Astrology !!!. It is very important not to confuse between these two.

Another major difference is that besides the 12 signs, Vedic Astrology breaks down the 360 degree circle into 27 constellations called nakshatras, which cover a span of 13 degrees 20 minutes. This more detailed analysis is used for electional astrology to select the most propitious time to start any activity, such as a new business, constructing a home etc., or performing ceremonies such as marriage, coronations or initiations. There is no equivalent in Western astrology.

Vedic astrology acknowledges only nine planets - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the two nodes of the Moon called Rahu and Ketu. These nodes, recognised by astronomers, are points on the ecliptic path of the Sun which the Moon cuts every month as it circles the Earth every 29.5 days.
The outer planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - as well as the asteroids are not used in Vedic Astrology as they are considered to be too distant from the Earth and small to have an influence on human affairs.
However these days some Neo Vedic astrologers are experimenting with Uranus,Neptune & Pluto and also the asteroid Chiron . My own personal views I have said in one of my earlier posts  which can be accessed at   

In certain other aspects they also differ from each other.In Western astrology the square opposition aspects are bad and trine and sextile aspects are good.In the Vedic system good and bad aspects are dependant on the nature of the planets involved in the aspects.Astavarga, Shadbala & divisional charts are not found in the Western system.

Planetary Astro Chart for Nov 2011 as per Western Astrology

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Saturn moving to Libra on 15th December !!!

We are on the threshhold of an important astrological event. SATURN MOVES INTO LIBRA ON 15.11.2011 approximately around 9 a.m IST ( As per Lahiri Ayanamsha and Nov 14th as per some other precession systems- Ayanamsha is a Sanskrit term in Indian Astronomy for the amount of precession). This movement is going have some destiny altering  impact on all Moon Signs and  also the fortunes of financial markets and fortunes of nations in general.
Saturn comes across as a cold cruel planet, a very hard task master and also signifies justice, general masses e.t.c . Saturn is the slowest moving out of all planets but has the maximum gravitational pull/impact on all Moon Signs, national affairs e.t.c . He stays in a sign for 30 months and 2.5 years. This time Lord Shani is transiting into Libra which is his sign of exaltation i,e a place where he is happy and can show maximum power.As Libra is the sign of justice and Saturn being the planet of justice....this transit is going to be JUSTICE & ONLY JUSTICE ALL THE WAY !!! Justice will be served to all the corrupt, evil folks and honest hard working people will be benefited several fold. The wheels of Saturn grind slowly but surely.In fact this transit is so powerful and effects start showing six months before. As said earlier Saturn represents  masses and hence democracies should start thriving. Remember all the corrupt dictators overthrown in the last few months...Tunisia, Egypt. Libya ...Osama Bin Laden getting liquidated .Its highly possible that Al Qaida / Islamic terrorism will suffer huge set backs and they will be made powerless before Saturn leaves Libra.Most people see chaos over there but we can safely say that democracy will start thriving again in those countries. Back home scams like CWG, 2G unearthed and so many bigwigs like Kalmadi, Raja, Kanhimozhi going to jail ( Suresh Kalmadi  being Leo Moon Sign suffered the worst). In the days to come Also the economies which had excesses like Greece , Italy Spain and Portugal ( Collectively known to the media as PIGS :-)  ) suffered the worst for their lavish consumption. Saturn is restrictive by nature and does not like excesses. So it's back to basics for these nations..hard work and prudent fiscal management.
Most financial astrologers are painting a bleak picture of this transit but I beg to differ. Since in Libra Saturn is the happiest he will definitely not do any harm.All events in the financial markets will lay a sound base for the future.Certain over priced scripts will correct, undervalued scripts will find their true value , corrupt promoters will get what they deserve, rampant speculation will be discouraged e.t.c. Remember all the Nine Planets in Vedic Astrology are karmic guardians..they ensure that you reap what you sow and it takes en lighted understanding to realize whats really going around you.
On the personal horoscope front great news for Leo (Simha) Moon Sign folks.Last 7.5 years had been  a living hell for them and at last Saturn has started smiling at them.Next 2.5 years will be the best time of their lives ( Hritwik Roshan is Moon great performances can be expected from him., Suresh Kalmadi is also Leo Moons sign so it would be rather interesting to see how he fares :-) ). Great times ahead also for Taurus Moon Signs where Saturn will transit their 6th house and Saggitarius Moon Signs where Saturn will transit their 11th house. ( Saturn gives best results when it transits 3rd, 6th and 11th houses). Cancer Moon Signs are in for a tough time where Saturn transits their 4th house (house of comforts, sukha-sthan). Virgo Moon Signs ( Kanya Rashi) will continue to suffer, they are into the last leg of Sade Sati or the 7.5 year adverse cycle of Saturn. Tough times ahead for Scorpio Moon Sign folks who are just entering Sade Sati. ( I think Shahrukh Khan is a Scorpio and currently is having problems with Ra One box office collections. The next few years will be tough for him). As far as the Libra Moon Sign folks are concerned they will be into the peak of Sade- Sati but not to worry as Lord Shani is a favorable planet for Librans they would do just fine.

In a nut shell  there will be destiny altering events in all spheres of life during this transit.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mars affliction and the fall in world markets

Hallo All, was loaded with work for the last few weeks and hence could not post.Last two weeks had been extremely turbulent with the US ratings downgrade and seemingly a series of bad news coming when everything was looking a bit rosy.Afflicted Mars is the culprit.The damage is done and over.Nothing to worry.From this week we can expect consolidation followed by an upmove.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Jupiter momentum to contine this week!!

Nifty closed above 5600 !!! Last week it was Jupiter showing its power over the scripts.This week the forward momentum should be there but the intensity should be somewhat less,Stay long!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Planets vindicating market movements !!

Retrograde Saturn becoming direct and Jupiter increasing its profile spelt gains for the market.Leading analysts to leading fund houses were bearish giving targets of 4700 or so...but it was not meant to be.Saturn's motion becoming direct also the start of an upswing in Oil & Gas sector and the crashing of crude.The thing is Saturn being a slow mover it generally takes a bit of time to show its effects but the effects are powerful and do generally have a lasting impact.Looking at further gradual change in sentiments

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Some misconceptions about the Lunar Nodes Part I - The Mighty Rahu

                                             THE SYMBOLIC IMAGE OF LORD RAHU

                                                       Om Rahave Namah

There is so much misconceptions about the Lunar Nodes Rahu & Ketu floating around, there should be some information to clear the air, especially about the Mighty Rahu who is very significant from the stock market perspective.Ancient Hindu astrologers calculated the elliptical paths of the Earth and Moon and their points of intersections ( The North Node and the South Node) with unerring accuracy, long before the western astronomers were even aware of this phenomenon. In Western Astrology , the North Node (Rahu) is referred as the Dragon's Head (Caput Draconis) & the South Node (Ketu) is referred as the Dragon's Tail (Cauda Draconis). In Western Astrology however Rahu is shown as a benefic force which signifies progress,industrial revolution, inspiration e.t.c. We will find out later that Rahu is the karak of U.S.A and the European nations.Western Astrologers ( and some neo- vedic astrologers) also take Uranus, Neptune & Pluto into consideration. Here I believe they have gone wrong totally.Even thousands of years back,the ancients who calculated the orbits of the planets with unerring accuracy without any modern instruments were definitely aware of Uranus, Neptune & Pluto and yet they did not take these three outer planets into consideration ??? Why ? If you examine closely you will find that the characteristics Rahu is very similar to Uranus & Neptune combined !! Uranus signifies revolution,chaos,inspiration, sudden changes and shocks...all basically Rahu characteristics !!! Neptune stands for spirituality, dreams, imagination which are also Rahu characteristics !!! Pluto signifies transformation, destruction , regeneration which are the prime attributes of Ketu !!! So if you consider Rahu & Ketu both in the horoscope, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto is immaterial !!!Rahu & Ketu are both astral planets which affects us on the astral & causal planes and they are also karmic inlets & outlets respectively.

From the  orthodox Vedic Astrology perspective the image of Rahu brings to ones mind of an extremely malefic planetary force, the minister of demons, the tormentor of Sun & Moon, ace trouble maker e.t.c. But there is more to the Mighty Rahu which are specially relevant to our modern times.Rahu gives material desires, inspiration, originality,power, fame, success in politics....but with riders attached because of the dual nature of Rahu.He is the karak of the thief and he is also the karak of the policeman who pursues the thief. He gives everything at a price.....until the individual realizes the material world is nothing but an illusion, Maya and he goes on the path of enlightment ,Moksha which is signified by Ketu.This is the significance of the Nodes, which are nothing but our Karmic guardians.

Rahu has great relevance to our modern times.Though Rahu is one of the oldest planets he signifies change, invention,unbounded progress.Industrial revolution can be attributed to Rahu, and all progress especially in the West is because of Rahu energy.The internet revolution, software industry,air travel these are all Rahu's domains.All big cities are ruled by Rahu.This is the reason why Western Astrologers denote Rahu as a great benefic force unlike Vedic Astrology.But here also the Duality of Rahu comes to play, in the quest for progress, guzzling of natural resources adds to environmental pollution and miseries.He also rules over poisonous chemicals, air pollution and all kinds of intoxicants.Rahu creates an illusion that resources of earth are infinite...which is not to be.

Rahu is also the karak of gambling and also stock exchanges.Casinos are ruled by Rahu.Incidentally Las Vegas, the Casino city is situated in the south west direction of the U.S.South West is a direction which is ruled by Rahu !!!Stock exchanges these days are nothing but systematic & the civilized form of economic speculation.So Rahu rules any form of electronic trading along with his close friend Mercury.So definitely he is the patron planet of all speculators,
F & O/intraday traders or anybody related to the stock exchanges.When Rahu works on the lower principle , he is probably the best schemer/politician among the planets and hence gives success in politics.When it comes to bestowing fame Rahu is also second to none.Some renowned film stars today have Rahu associated somewhere with their Ascendant house in some way like Salman Khan, Aishwarya Rai e.t.c

The placement of Rahu in one's horoscope requires detailed examination.In principle the house, Rahu is positioned in shows the areas the individual needs to work upon in this life time.It has been observed that Rahu when placed in 3, 6 & 11th houses in the birth chart it bestows great results.Also when placed in the Ascendant house Rahu produces inventors, film stars , unconventional personalities, people with unconventional professions but also with some riders attached !!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Saturn turns direct from 13th June 2011

Atlast the seemingly retrograde motion of Saturn gets over tomorrow. Also an important astrological phenomenon takes place on the 15th Wednesday i.e the much awaited lunar eclipse. We could definitely expect a change in sentiment thereafter.We could expect reduced volatility and gradual rise in the markets.India's stars would also start moving in the upswing orbit.Regards

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Scripts and their ruling planets !!!

All sectors and scripts have their ruling planetary energies.Best profits can be obtained when individual planetary energies are in synchronization with the planetary energies of the script.Planetary energies can be assigned in the following manner.

1) SUN
 Stands for Authority/Goverment and hence all PSUs are associated with the Sun.However Sun being the primary association we can assign joint rulership as per Industry type.For e.g :- SBI being a banking PSU will be ruled primarily by the SUN and also by JUPITER  which is the planet of finance !!

  Shipping comes under Moon's portfolio. SCI, ESSAR SHIPPING, VARUN SHIPPING, GESCO e.t.c. Some astrologers also associate pharma cos. with  Moon but I feel Jupiter being the healing planet all pharma cos. should be assigned to Jupiter.

  Jupiter is the planet of finance hence it rules all the banking scripts and also the NBFCs. Stock brokerage scripts however can be assigned joint rulership with Mercury because Mercury stands for brokerage & commision business.All pharma companies also come under the benefic Jupiter's portfolio.

The mysterious Rahu has an interesting mix of portfolio. Rahu signifies everything modern, new age, revolutionary, any path breaking non- conventional business, any non tangible stuff, air travel, intoxicants( liquor & cigarettes).Hence Software,Airline, liquor & cigarette cos. comes under Mighty Rahu's portfolio.Hence INFOSYS,TCS, JET AIRWAYS, KINGFISHER,UNITED SPIRITS,ITC( only cigarette business) and similar companies of its likes comes under Rahu's purview.Any non conventional
 company which does not seem to belong to any sector is definitely under Rahu's  portfolio. Also remember the Great Rahu is also the karak of Stock exchanges and  he is the patron planet for all speculators !!
Mercury stands for any trading activity, telecommunications, publishing, commisions e.t.c. Any script which is primarily a trading co. comes under Mercury e.g ADANI EXPORTS. All telecom cos like BHARTI, RCOM, MTNL comes under Mercury's portfolio.Publishing scripts like SANDESH, MID-DAY are also under Mercury.Stock brokerages I have already mentioned.

Think about luxury, beauty, jewels the image of Venus comes into mind.All jewellery brands like Gitanjali Gems comes under Venus.Even branded clothes script PROVOQUE comes under Venus. High end Automobiles comes under Venus. TATA MOTORS (JLR) for instance.

7)KETU      :- Ketu has joint rulership of oil with Saturn.

Lord Saturn's association with Iron & Steel is well known. Hence TISCO, JINDAL,and all iron and steel companies comes under Saturn's portfolio.Heavy engineering cos like L & T also comes under Saturn's portfolio.Saturn also rules petroleum & mineral oil.

Think about DLF, OMAXE, SHOBHA DEVELOPERS and all real estate scripts, they come under Mars.Mars also rules electricity and hence rules BSES, CESC,RPOWER e.t.c.
 Some astrologers assign electricity, gas & petroleum to Rahu which I feel is to some
 extent true.
 Hope this brief article gives a basic idea about the planetary portfolios.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The importance of Navamsha chart

 The complete analysis of the main birth chart is incomplete without the analysis of the divisional charts.The most important divisional chart by far is the Navamsha chart  i.e 1/9th divisional chart which basically means if you divide the main chart into equal portions of 3 degrees 20 minutes you arrive at the ninth divisional chart of the native or the Navamsha Chart or shown as D9 chart in most softwares.

Most people think the Navamsha chart is one's spouse's chart but there is more into the Navamsha chart that meets the eye.The real strength of the planets can be gauged from the Navamsha chart.If a planet is well placed in the main chart and say debilitated in the Navamsha chart then the planet will not give the desired good could cause some adverse effects also. If the main chart has some bad yogas but none in the the Navamsha chart...the bad effects stands mitigated to a great extent.Another important feature of the Navamsha chart is that it gives a picture of the later half of the native's life. If a person has crossed 30-35...the Navamsha chart comes into the picture as an important predictive tool. The sustaining power of the main chart lies in the Navamsha chart !!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Saturn's retrograde motion in Virgo ends on June 12th !!!

Markets were very much under Saturn's retrograde motion in Virgo. The retrograde motion ends on 12th June.So after 12th June expect a major improvement in market sentiment and upmove in the markets.We should definitely break 5750 this time and go towards 6000.There should be a good upmove in the global markets also.Time to get the shopping bags out !!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jupiter Mercury Venus comes in conjunction today !!!

Jupiter , Mercury and Venus the three benefics come in conjuction today i.e 11th May, 2011. So we could see
a brief upward rally from here for the time being.In the past also we have seen in such a configuration markets do tend to rally upwards. Time to buy Nifty Futures ??

Monday, May 9, 2011

Jupiter moving into Aries !!

Jupiter the greatest benefic has moved into Aries which could be life altering for some Rashis.The luckiest are the Leo Rashi folks whose Guru moves into the 9th house,Bhagyasthan....the house of luck and spirituality.It will bring some relief to the Leos who are still going through the painful transit of Saturn....Sade Sati.A great time for Leos to attempt the difficult goals in life.Some blocks are definitely going to be lifted miraculously from your life. For the Geminis  Jupiter moves on to the 11th house...the house of gains.A good time to cash in the results of all your hard work. Even though for Geminis Jupiter which is not a great natural benefic, will still give some powerful returns.The most painful time starts for Kanya Rashi ( Virgos) whose Guru moves into the 8th house !!!Kanya Rashi folks should take care of their health and also wealth till May 2012. Its best to maintain status quo for the time being for Kanya Rashi folks. For Dhanu Rashi folks Guru has moved into the 5th house which will give fullfilment of your desires in general.

The spectacular fall of Silver !!!

The markets did not behave much as anticipated.....Rahu seems to be having a volatile effect with a negative bias with its conjunction with Jupiter.I was expecting  a crash in Gold & Silver around the 13th...but Silver crashed on 4th !!! a bit early.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May 13th & the result of the West Bengal polls

The result of West Bengal polls comes out on May 13th ( Friday the 13th !!). The numerically adds up to 4...also 2011 adds up to 4...Rahu's number !!. Rahu signifies sudden change, revolution, out of the ordinary. In most likelyhood we should see a regime change in West Bengal after a long 35 years.Also Left Front is looking to form its 8th Goverment. 8 again is a fateful number....the number of Lord this time justice may be to served to the Left Front.The birth chart of the to be CM of West Bengal shows that she is Simha Rashi & Simha Lagna.After 8th May, 2011 Simha Rashi natives will face destiny altering circumstances as Jupiter moves to the 9th house, the house of fate.So in all likelyhood she is well placed to win the Bengal polls.The blessings of the planets are with her.

Jupiter- Rahu combination

As discussed last month Jupiter comes in conjuction in Rahu in early May which should give some boost to midcaps , small caps & also the indices to some extent.But also caution is advised since the gains bought in by Rahu is not sustainable in the longer term.So we could see a speculative upmove followed by a sudden dip.Silver
and Gold which are trading at their all time highs....seems to be in a price bubble could suddenly crash.Possible date of trend reversal ??. Around May 13th is a good possibility.By that time Rahu moves away from Jupiter and 1+3 adds up to 4 Rahu's pukka number.So trade accordingly.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

What comes up in May ??

As per our anticipation the markets did well after end of March due to the benefic gaze of Jupiter.The next important trend in the markets could be in May when Jupiter & Rahu comes together.Jupiter is the planet of expansion & Rahu is the planet of speculation.Rahu is also of an unstable & volatile nature.As we mentioned earlier Rahu is the patron planet of all speculators...especially F & O/intraday traders....He is basically the karak of stock exchanges. So in May we could see some rampant speculation....scripts getting overvalued again followed by sharp corrections.Midcaps and small cap counters could see spurts of activity.But fear not till Jupiter's benefic gaze is on the markets things will not go out of hand....Guru...the largest benefic will certainly stabilize things. Regards.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The markets not going anywhere !!

As mentioned earlier the markets are not going out for 29th March when the two of the greatest planets Guru and Shani comes in opposition...a pattern to watch out for.May be we will break out of 5750 after 29th..lets c.

Tough time for Simha and Kanya Rashis

Simha and Kanya, both of these rashis in particular are facing a challenging phase of their life due to Shani's Sade Sati. For the Leos Shani is transiting the 2nd house, the house signifying earned wealth and also speech.To make matters worse Guru is transiting their 8th house, the house which gives so much pain, one of the Trik houses. In the third phase of Sade Sati tests the native regarding his finances and also his tactness/ diplomacy in speech.Common results in the phase are loss of money,quarrels, marital discord,mental exhaustion e.t.c . The native feels extremely lazy and looses his lust for life.But buck up friends the end of difficult times is may have to bear this ordeal for just about two more months. From 8th May, 2011 for Leos Guru moves into the 9th house , which will significantly improve your situation.Sade Sati for Leos end on Nov 2011. So after Nov 2011 the Lion will again growl :-). Reminds me about our H'ble Railway Minister Mamata Bannerjee who is Simha Rashi & Simha Lagna. She is astrologically well poised to become the CM of West Bengal in May'2011. Counting begins on May' 13th...which amounts to 4..the no of Rahu...which stands for sudden change. Leos will just have to be patient for couple of months.Strictly no speculative activities for the Leos during this period. :-)

For the Kanya Rashi folks the situation is more tougher. They are undergoing the phase of Janma Shani i.e Shani transiting their 1st house. This middle phase of Sade Sati will be one of the most
intense period of their be very careful. Guru in 7th cushions the situation a bit specially on the relationships front  but from May 2011 the situation will become worse when Guru starts transiting your 8th house.But fear not..if you learn quickly the lessons Lord Shani wants to teach you...your situation will definitely improve.Lord Shani often delays the desired results but never denies. So be patient.Hope this answers the e:-mail queries.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Astrological combinations for successful speculation !!

Out of thousands of speculators involved in the markets a very small percentage of them is successful.Some people seem to have the natural talent for speculation and mint money everyday easily. Several others seem to struggle and loose money consistently and in the long run loose their shirt and pant.Speculation is a mind game and cosmic powers do influence our thoughts and actions.So what is this so called luck or X factor ?? Let us examine.

From a stock market speculator's point of view ( speculator not an investor...mind it !!) , three houses are important 5, 9 & 11. The 5th house stands for speculative gains in our context. 9th house is the Bhagya sthan...Lady luck and 11th house, the Labh sthan or the house of gains/connections.If the lords of these houses are well will be a highly successful speculator.

The placement of Rahu is also important for stock market players.People with exalted Rahu takes to the stock markets as the duck takes to water.Rahu also rules over speculation/ without Rahu's blessings the journey in the stock markets will be bumpy.The position of Jupiter in the chart is also important.Jupiter is the planet of finance. The transit of Jupiter through the 9th, 10th and 11th houses...especially 11th gives ample profits.

The position of Ketu is also a vital factor.Ketu in 11th house is also another potent profitable position.It is also important that speculation should be controlled during unfavourable transits and especially during Sade- Sati ( unless your Rashi is Capricorn or Libra) .Even if the relevent planets are well placed in the main chart speculation should be minimized during Sade Sati or during the 8th house transit of Jupiter !!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The benefic effect of Jupiter

For any real bullish movement in the indices the the benefic effect of Jupiter is a must. Our markets are still under the grip of Shani's dristi and interestingly on 29th March, Jupiter and Saturn are coming in conjuction. The general trend of the market could remain volatile and range bound till then.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

No new malefic combinations this week

Last week's prediction about Feb 4 was right on the money :-). No new malefic configurations this week. So there should not be any new major downside in the indices. There could be range bound volatility this week. All dips should be met with buying. For any fresh bull run to start we need Jupiter's favourable dristi. Regards.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Markets tanked because Sun Mars conjuction

:-) :-) The markets had no logical reason to tank today and yet look what happened.The past two predictions has proven highly accurate.Bottom line is Gann was absolutely right in theorising that planetary movements affect people's minds which in turn influence market movements



  Hope you are benefiting from the accurate market astro readings :-). Let us discuss another concept or rather a misconception in Vedic Astrology- THE KAAL SARPA DOSH.Off late hundreds of astro websites have mushroomed offering remedies for Kaal Sarpa Dosh and also several astrologers appearing in the media has the view that Kaal Sarpa Dosh is a worst possible combination/dosh any person can have and offer myraid remedies some costing over Rs. 5K !!!. Let us have a closer look.

Kaal Sarpa Dosh occurs when all the planets in a horoscope are trapped between Rahu & Ketu, the two shadow planets in Vedic Astrology. Some learned astrologers even opine that if any one planet is outside the Rahu Ketu Axis then a Partial Kaal Sarpa Dosh is caused which is even more worse that Purna Kaal Sarpa Dosh !!! So what happens if this dosh is present in your horoscope...a life full
of endless sorrow, struggles, misfortune...imagine breaking a mirror every day !!! The person afflicted by this dosh/yog is as good as walking dead !!!

But what is really the case ?? Vedic Astrology is 5000 years plus old science where the great Hindu sages have documented their knowledge in several Jyotish classics. The Great Rishi Parashara who is considered to be the Father of Vedic his jyotish magnum opus  Brihat Parashara Hora fails to mention about Kaal Sarpa Dosh. There is no reference of Kaal Sarpa Dosh in Phaldeepika written by the great astrologer Mantreshwar. Even no reference of this dosh is mentioned by Jamini in Jaminisutram or other astrological classics. Out of the blue this dosh came into existence in the sixties without any reference to the classics or any other acknowledged text of Jyotish.It can be safely opined that it is just an invention by a cartel of astrologers to make themselves richer by scaring people. Let us examine the horoscope below :-

D.O.B of the Native :- 24.04.1973 , 7:30 a.m, Mumbai, Poorvashasa Nakshatra

The native supposedly has  "Kaal Sarpa Dosh" and is doomed to fail miserably in life. We also find that the native's Sun and Mars are exalted.A powerful Dhana Yog is indicated by Mars positioned powerfully in the 9th. Also Guru-Mangala Yog in the 9th.An excellent horoscope in all respects.This horoscope belongs to the greatest batsman of all times SACHIN TENDULKAR !!!.
So much for "Kaal Sarpa Dosh" !!! ( Note:- Most of the greatest sportspersons have exalted Mars  Mars helps in excelling in sports). There are so many numerous horoscopes which have "Kaal Sarpa Dosh" , Sri Chaitanya Maha Prabhu,Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, famous Bengali singer Hemanta Mukhopadhaya and even Mahatma Gandhi .the list of accomplished personalities  could go on and on.Just because the planets are trapped between Rahu & Ketu does not mean that you are doomed. The entire chart has to be studied in totality.The ascendant lord, planets in the ascendant house, exalted planets give great strength to the chart and thus any malefic effect stands neutered. Also the Navamsha chart and other relevent divisional charts has to be studied in totality in order to come to a firm conclusion.Also some astrologers propagate the view that "Kaal Sarpa Yog" causes sudden/untimely death.They often site the example of Mahatma Gandhi.  This is a completely baseless axiom.

The truth is that since all the planets a trapped in one side of the horoscope the native's life sometimes becomes a bit unbalanced thats all but nothing life threatening.A chart with planets well
spread out is always good but if they are trapped between Rahu & Ketu you might just have to put in more hard work in life.Great people often become great because they overcome their adversities.

There are also so much unwarranted fear regarding the two shadow planets Rahu & Ketu. Its true these are malefic planets but not without riders attached. These are also karmic planets which indicate karmic links to your past life and its relation to the present. These two shadow or astral planets have the capacity to do lot of good and sometimes takes the native to great heights.Rahu & Ketu also stands for higher spirituality. It's a fact that great spiritual leaders like Adi Shankaracharya, Swami Ramanuja also had "Kaal Sarpa Dosh". If you want to be a successfull politician , without the blessings of Rahu it is impossible. Also if you want to become a successfull
F & O/intraday trader  in the stock markets the blessings of Rahu is a must. Rahu often gives very good results in Taurus, Cancer, Leo & Virgo Ascendants ( Rajyoga karaka if suitably placed). So 
these twin malefics are not totally malefics in the real sense.

Inspite of knowing that "Kaal Sarpa Dosh" is not really a "Dosh" but a blessing in disguise, people tend to get bogged down by various opinions of various astrologers. If its really getting into you mentally then visit one of the 12 jyotirlings ( Especially The famous Trambakeshwar Temple near Nasik). These places have lot of positive spiritual energy which can remove karmic negativities. Praying to Lord Shiva will help tremendously.   Regards

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Feb 4 could be another inflexion date

Greetings friends, You can well see the effect on retrograde on Saturn on our markets.Tomorrow could be another day of inflexion or pivot day for the markets as Sun and Mars both come into close conjuction. Interestingly tomorrow is the ultimatum for Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. Retrograde Saturn causes change in regimes through out.Lord Shani is the lord of justice and no one can escape his dristi especially wrong doers.He also stands of masses/mass support and massive mass based movements are possible under his effect.Coming to the Sun-Mars conjuction on Friday traders/investors alike should be cautious because a trend change might occur. Markets could possibly test its weekly lows or even might reverse trend.Two malefic planets coming in conjuction that also near retrograde Saturn could cause wild movement.So caution advised.

 How does stockmarket astrology actually work ?? The basic theory is that stockmarket movements are regulated by mass behaviour. The movements of planets has influence on the human mind.Lunar cycles  for example has influence on the human mind and body...this is a scientifically proven fact. You must have heard of W D Gann who used lunar cycles successfully to trade.He made about 50 million dollars in the markets in his career. Ponder on this !!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Saturn going retrograde on 26th January 2011

A hearty welcome to my Blog friends.  This is my first post :-)


RBI meets on Tuesday to discuss rate hike and interestingly Saturn in Virgo goes retro on Wednesday on 26th.Interest rates will go up for sure but it remains to be seen by how much.Any hike or any comment which indicates more than anticipated rate might dampen the mood further and could keep our markets in   corrective mode. So just keep an eye your postions especially in F & O. However dip should be used to buy as the markets could bounce sharply as Moon joins Venus around Friday. Regards