Sunday, April 10, 2011

What comes up in May ??

As per our anticipation the markets did well after end of March due to the benefic gaze of Jupiter.The next important trend in the markets could be in May when Jupiter & Rahu comes together.Jupiter is the planet of expansion & Rahu is the planet of speculation.Rahu is also of an unstable & volatile nature.As we mentioned earlier Rahu is the patron planet of all speculators...especially F & O/intraday traders....He is basically the karak of stock exchanges. So in May we could see some rampant speculation....scripts getting overvalued again followed by sharp corrections.Midcaps and small cap counters could see spurts of activity.But fear not till Jupiter's benefic gaze is on the markets things will not go out of hand....Guru...the largest benefic will certainly stabilize things. Regards.