Thursday, June 16, 2011

Some misconceptions about the Lunar Nodes Part I - The Mighty Rahu

                                             THE SYMBOLIC IMAGE OF LORD RAHU

                                                       Om Rahave Namah

There is so much misconceptions about the Lunar Nodes Rahu & Ketu floating around, there should be some information to clear the air, especially about the Mighty Rahu who is very significant from the stock market perspective.Ancient Hindu astrologers calculated the elliptical paths of the Earth and Moon and their points of intersections ( The North Node and the South Node) with unerring accuracy, long before the western astronomers were even aware of this phenomenon. In Western Astrology , the North Node (Rahu) is referred as the Dragon's Head (Caput Draconis) & the South Node (Ketu) is referred as the Dragon's Tail (Cauda Draconis). In Western Astrology however Rahu is shown as a benefic force which signifies progress,industrial revolution, inspiration e.t.c. We will find out later that Rahu is the karak of U.S.A and the European nations.Western Astrologers ( and some neo- vedic astrologers) also take Uranus, Neptune & Pluto into consideration. Here I believe they have gone wrong totally.Even thousands of years back,the ancients who calculated the orbits of the planets with unerring accuracy without any modern instruments were definitely aware of Uranus, Neptune & Pluto and yet they did not take these three outer planets into consideration ??? Why ? If you examine closely you will find that the characteristics Rahu is very similar to Uranus & Neptune combined !! Uranus signifies revolution,chaos,inspiration, sudden changes and shocks...all basically Rahu characteristics !!! Neptune stands for spirituality, dreams, imagination which are also Rahu characteristics !!! Pluto signifies transformation, destruction , regeneration which are the prime attributes of Ketu !!! So if you consider Rahu & Ketu both in the horoscope, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto is immaterial !!!Rahu & Ketu are both astral planets which affects us on the astral & causal planes and they are also karmic inlets & outlets respectively.

From the  orthodox Vedic Astrology perspective the image of Rahu brings to ones mind of an extremely malefic planetary force, the minister of demons, the tormentor of Sun & Moon, ace trouble maker e.t.c. But there is more to the Mighty Rahu which are specially relevant to our modern times.Rahu gives material desires, inspiration, originality,power, fame, success in politics....but with riders attached because of the dual nature of Rahu.He is the karak of the thief and he is also the karak of the policeman who pursues the thief. He gives everything at a price.....until the individual realizes the material world is nothing but an illusion, Maya and he goes on the path of enlightment ,Moksha which is signified by Ketu.This is the significance of the Nodes, which are nothing but our Karmic guardians.

Rahu has great relevance to our modern times.Though Rahu is one of the oldest planets he signifies change, invention,unbounded progress.Industrial revolution can be attributed to Rahu, and all progress especially in the West is because of Rahu energy.The internet revolution, software industry,air travel these are all Rahu's domains.All big cities are ruled by Rahu.This is the reason why Western Astrologers denote Rahu as a great benefic force unlike Vedic Astrology.But here also the Duality of Rahu comes to play, in the quest for progress, guzzling of natural resources adds to environmental pollution and miseries.He also rules over poisonous chemicals, air pollution and all kinds of intoxicants.Rahu creates an illusion that resources of earth are infinite...which is not to be.

Rahu is also the karak of gambling and also stock exchanges.Casinos are ruled by Rahu.Incidentally Las Vegas, the Casino city is situated in the south west direction of the U.S.South West is a direction which is ruled by Rahu !!!Stock exchanges these days are nothing but systematic & the civilized form of economic speculation.So Rahu rules any form of electronic trading along with his close friend Mercury.So definitely he is the patron planet of all speculators,
F & O/intraday traders or anybody related to the stock exchanges.When Rahu works on the lower principle , he is probably the best schemer/politician among the planets and hence gives success in politics.When it comes to bestowing fame Rahu is also second to none.Some renowned film stars today have Rahu associated somewhere with their Ascendant house in some way like Salman Khan, Aishwarya Rai e.t.c

The placement of Rahu in one's horoscope requires detailed examination.In principle the house, Rahu is positioned in shows the areas the individual needs to work upon in this life time.It has been observed that Rahu when placed in 3, 6 & 11th houses in the birth chart it bestows great results.Also when placed in the Ascendant house Rahu produces inventors, film stars , unconventional personalities, people with unconventional professions but also with some riders attached !!

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